Heavy Glow

Silverlake Lounge 2906 W Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, CA, United States


Fri Aug 8

Lineup: Heavy GlowPsychedelic blues rock band Heavy Glow displays a mastery of confidence and emotive power in their untitled follow-up to the highly acclaimed album "Midnight Moan." To be released in 2013 under Purge Records and with the addition of a new drummer, the new album is a culmination of everything the band has been working towards since forming in 2008. The finished product flaunts nuances of retro rock through hard-and-heavy guitar tones, bombastic drum-playing and suave bass lines. Front man Mullins injects raw soul into his entrancing vocal melodies and cascading choral harmonies to create a sound that is both informed by the past and undeniably modern.

2906 W Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, CA, United States