Best events

in Los Angeles


Motown on Mondays LA

Mon Jul 7

Get down to the sounds of Motown every week at the Short Stop in Echo Park. This Sunset Boulevard hangout hosts Motown on Mondays, a vibey local night of soul, funk, R&B and freshness. Listen to all your favorite classic hits, discover rare tracks from the streets of Detroit, and dance to new imaginations of this authentic American sound. It's the perfect Monday club night for people who don't like clubs.

Short Stop

1455 W Sunset Blvd

Los Angeles


Fast Times The Ultimate 80s Tribute show

Mon Jul 7

Fast Times The Ultimate 80s Tribute every Monday at the legendary Whisky a Go-Go on the Sunset Strip

Whisky A Go Go

8901 Sunset Blvd

West Hollywood

jazz singer at Bar Lis in Hollywood at Jazz Eclectic LA

Jazz Eclectic LA

Tue Jul 8

Improvised Jazz Funk sessions every Tuesday evenings at Bar Lis @ Thompson Hotel Hollywood

Bar Lis

1541 Wilcox Ave

Los Angeles


Fast Times The Ultimate 80s Tribute show

Mon Jul 14

Fast Times The Ultimate 80s Tribute every Monday at the legendary Whisky a Go-Go on the Sunset Strip

Whisky A Go Go

8901 Sunset Blvd

West Hollywood


Motown on Mondays LA

Mon Jul 14

Get down to the sounds of Motown every week at the Short Stop in Echo Park. This Sunset Boulevard hangout hosts Motown on Mondays, a vibey local night of soul, funk, R&B and freshness. Listen to all your favorite classic hits, discover rare tracks from the streets of Detroit, and dance to new imaginations of this authentic American sound. It's the perfect Monday club night for people who don't like clubs.

Short Stop

1455 W Sunset Blvd

Los Angeles

jazz singer at Bar Lis in Hollywood at Jazz Eclectic LA

Jazz Eclectic LA

Tue Jul 15

Improvised Jazz Funk sessions every Tuesday evenings at Bar Lis @ Thompson Hotel Hollywood

Bar Lis

1541 Wilcox Ave

Los Angeles


Fast Times The Ultimate 80s Tribute show

Mon Jul 21

Fast Times The Ultimate 80s Tribute every Monday at the legendary Whisky a Go-Go on the Sunset Strip

Whisky A Go Go

8901 Sunset Blvd

West Hollywood


Motown on Mondays LA

Mon Jul 21

Get down to the sounds of Motown every week at the Short Stop in Echo Park. This Sunset Boulevard hangout hosts Motown on Mondays, a vibey local night of soul, funk, R&B and freshness. Listen to all your favorite classic hits, discover rare tracks from the streets of Detroit, and dance to new imaginations of this authentic American sound. It's the perfect Monday club night for people who don't like clubs.

Short Stop

1455 W Sunset Blvd

Los Angeles